tisdag 2 februari 2010

This calls for a celebration!

Today was a long but also very exiting day at the office. We had problems with the electricity and had repeated powerbreaks the whole day. Of course the generator, which is supposed to sustain us when this happends, broke. Since it's so hot outside the temperature rises very quickly in the office which made this day a very sweaty one! We had a video conference with headquarters in Stockholm but we were interrupted when the power was cut and it became a very long meeting... When you don't have power nothing works. The aircondition shuts down ofcourse, and the water stops working and also the computers and the central server shuts down as well. Its quite hard to get anything done under such conditions. The day ended well however since we celebrated that the new country strategy for Rwanda has been approved by the Swedish government. Everybody at the office had champagne together and there was a very positive atmosphere. We have been waiting for a very long time to get this strategy approved and now everybody is excited to get started with the new projects. It's an exciting time to be here!

Nu har det äntligen kommit lite mer folk till guesthouset. Det är skönt att komma hem från kontoret när det finns folk där så att man kan prata lite om dagen och kunna utbyta erfarenheter. Något jag har märkt är att folk här är väldigt morgonpigga och jag har hört att trafiken är som värst mellan 6-7 på morgonen. Vaknade kl 6 i morse av att det var ett himla liv på gatan utanför. I största allmänhet är det rätt mycket oväsen på nätterna och det tar ett tag att vänja sig vid när man är bortskämd med att det oftast är tyst på natten.

1 kommentar:

  1. Fia!! It looks absolutely amazing!!! So beautiful and clean too! And your guest house looks nice! It is much fun to read your blog, keep us posted :) I added you on msn btw, so let's chat soon!! Love, Sara
    ps. Totally working on my parents! My mom is already up for it, now only my dad. But that will work out fine ;) Then just the uni..
